
''Cat'' Jules wrong skin cvolor when wearing combat armor

Closed this issue · 5 comments

im playing the latest rpu and Cat jules has the wrong grafic frm when using combat armor so ge has a white person face and neck

Please attach screenshot and savegame.

Try unequipping his combat armor first, save the game, then change Combat=16777226 to Combat=16777367 in npcarmor.ini. Now he should have correct skin color when wearing combat armor.

NovaRain is right. Hopefully this will be standardized in future updates. As i understand it there is suposed to be a unique Robe frm set from "Blackdude" aswell and i wonder what id number that had if possible. Also Thanks NovaRain

You'll need to add frms, then modify critter.lst, then npcarmor.ini.

The number would be 0x1000000 + 153 - 1 = 16777368.