
No Corpses in Klamath Canyon for the yellow reactor keycard

yellowcardt opened this issue · 18 comments

Hi Guys,

its my first time i report an issue on Github so, pls be considerate with me smile.
as the title says, the 2 corpses for the yellow reactor keycard are missing.
i haven't played any further and i think, it's going to cause some more problems later...

  • I use the steam version of Fallout 2
  • also, the german ones
  • and the v21 of the RPU
  • Inventory Cleaner with newest ddraw.dll (not that from Inventory Cleaner. Not sure but, i think its a older one in the package)

In the past with the old RP and, in the german version of Fallout 2, we also need to install the "Bloodpatch" from neuRomancer ( to showing up the corpses. Because of violence. it overwrite the "Critters" Files.
Now, the problem is, the critters files are all in one file i gues (the old path whas: Data/art/critters/files) and so i cant install that easily the bloodpatch.

anyone knows, how to solve my Problem? :-/

Some other informations:

  • win 10
  • Fallout 2 1.02d (from the start menue)
  • RP 2.3.3u21 (from the start menue)
  • SFall (from the start menue)

Did you start a new game on v21 or using a save from older version?
Attach the save, please.

yea, with an new game.
and here the savefile

Here's me loading your save:
Captura de pantalla de 2021-07-17 04-26-39

What the hell is Inventory Cleaner, by the way?

Sorry, i mean "Inventory filter" ^^
uhm. yeah... its because ive got a censored steam version i gues. :-/
allready tried a fresh install with just RPU (and without Inventory filter), but same results.

I'm not aware of any corpse censoring. @Lexx2k do you know anything about this, by chance?
@yellowcardt could you try English version?

The bodies have "bloody" death animations set. In the german version, all gore has been cut out and only the normal bleeding out remains in the game. Also the german fallout2.exe file is modified to always have a low violence level set.

Now if you use the german version and install a mod that replaces the fallout2.exe (like the RPU does), the gore level is suddenly set to higher than low. If you now enter areas like the Klamath canyon, the game won't find the gore animations and crash. To get around this crash, you have to manually set the gore level back to low / none.

HOWEVER - it's possible that this was "fixed" in some later Sfall version and now the game will not crash anymore and instead just not show the bodies due to missing animations.

yeah. with a fresh installation of Fallout 2 in english and RPU in english it works, i can see the corpses

Personally I would just ship the gore animations with the RPU and be done with it. The file size will be ~30mb bigger, but who gives a fuck. I've also added all this shit into ettu and nobody even noticed.

Craptastic. I suggested that sfall either displays a placeholder animation or prints an error message to display, but none was implemented, thus it's not clear what's going on.

Personally I would just ship the gore animations with the RPU and be done with it.

Sure, that's what I want to do, just need to figure out which ones are needed. All death anims except fall_back/fall_front? Do you have a link to commit?

Just download the bloodpatch from here. It has all the graphics. The website might throw some error because of the certificate ... just ignore that, I can't fix it. In a couple months the website will be gone.

I would like to thank you in advance for your helpfulness. thats great. :)

@yellowcardt well, I guess you can use the bloodpatch for now, and I'll look into fixing this for the next version.

@burner1024 Ok, but... mh... what have i to do now?
Install RPU, then the Bloodpatch (with the .exe)?
Or first Bloodpatch (with the .exe), then RPU?
Or just take some files from the Bloodpatch and copy it ... wherever ^^

RPU, then bloodpatch

it works :) thanks a lot guys.

The file size will be ~30mb bigger, but who gives a fuck. I've also added all this shit into ettu and nobody even noticed.

Small change for EtTu/RPU, but UPU went from 50 to 90Mb :(. Well, I guess we'll just bite the bullet.

ok, next version will inlcude this