
Typo: Phoenix Armor Implants text (perks.msg)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What happened

perks.msg states

{1177}{}{You have inherent protection against energy attacks.} # Phoenix Armor Implants
{1178}{}{You have extra inherent protection against energy attacks.} # Phoenix Assault Enhancement

I think these also provide protection against fire

What you expected to happen

Something like this

{1177}{}{You have inherent protection against energy attacks and flame attacks.} # Phoenix Armor Implants
{1178}{}{You have extra inherent protection against energy attacks and flame attacks.} # Phoenix Assault Enhancement


I don't have a screenshot as I actually wrote this down for a playthrough I did a year ago and I don't have the save file anymore. However, I would imagine referencing the specific typo in github should be good enough though.


See above

Energy weapons being a separate category does add some ambiguity.
energy attacks and flame attacks seem overly verbose though, maybe just thermal attacks. That's how it's referred to in dialogs, anyway. Or maybe thermal damage.

Whatever you think