
Code error in John Bishop's script when asking "What's this guy's health like? Any illnesses?"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What happened

Unrelated to your mod, I was going through the game files looking for all the times "dude_iq" is called out and think I found a logic error.

John Bishop asks you to kill Roger Westin and Carlson. When he is telling you about each of these quests, the Chosen One can ask line 414 of ncbishop.msg if he meets certain stat and skill requirements.
{414}{}{What's this guy's health like? Any illnesses?}

One of them requires dude_iq<7 and the other code requires dude_iq>=7. This doesn't make sense

762-763 of ncbishop.ssl says

   if ((dude_iq<7) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_DOCTOR)>50) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_FIRST_AID )>100)) then begin
      NOption(414, Node046, 004);

573-574 of ncbishop.ssl says

   if ((dude_iq>=7) and ((has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_DOCTOR)>50) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_FIRST_AID )>100))) then begin
      NOption(414, Node026, 004);

What you expected to happen

I think 762-763 of ncbishop.ssl should say

   if ((dude_iq>=7) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_DOCTOR)>50) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_FIRST_AID )>100)) then begin
      NOption(414, Node046, 004);


I found this while browsing the code, not while playing the game so I don't have a screenshot or savegame.


I found this while browsing the code, not while playing the game so I don't have a screenshot or savegame.

I agree, although first op should still be and, not or.

good catch