
[Modoc] Jo only gives discount once

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

What happened

After completing the Ghost Farm quest (the best solution), Jo says he'll give a discount. But it only applies immediately during the same dialog. If you talk afterwards, he will "forget" about it.

What you expected to happen

Like most other character, gdialog_set_barter_mod must be called in talk_p_proc depending on quest status (or some lvar flag) so he actually keeps his word.

Fixed here: b2bca23

Isn't it the same with Renesco? Why do you think it should be remembered?

Isn't it the same with Renesco? Why do you think it should be remembered?

Why not? He thanks you for saving the town from famine and says he'll supply you "at basically my cost".

This is for -75% case (note that it also "unlocks" the shelves in the current script, basically making his stock free of charge):

I wish I had more I could give you, but we're still a poor community with not
much in the way of offerings. The best I can do is offer you goods at basically my cost. But
I'd be honored to help keep you stocked for your journeys when I have the goods and I'm sure any
of the other residents would be equally grateful if you asked them.

This is -50% case:

I wish I could give you more in the way of compensation than this,
but the best I can offer you is a discount on goods. I'm not too stocked up right now, but I'm
sure things will pick up around here soon and I'd be honored to help stock you up.

Makes sense.