
Marcus' graphical glitch w/ mutant armor

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Upon entering any map, Marcus with mutant armor holding heavy weapon framed weapons (plasma rifle, flamer, etc.), or rocket launcher will sometimes cause a graphical glitch where his character sprite is not correspondent to where he actually is.

This seems to happen when you exit out of the map while Marcus was moving to somewhere else at the moment, but I'm not 100% sure.

The video shows him holding heavy weapons, but as mentioned above, it can also happen if he's holding a rocket launcher. If he's unarmed, or equipped with gatling gun framed weapon, the glitch doesn't seem to happen.

Attach debug log.
Probably some missing animations or something.

Hope this is the right one...

Likely unrelated, but this is definitely wrong

gl_g_party_level_match: step = 3

gl_g_party_level_match: cur_stage = 5

gl_g_party_level_match: expected_stage = 17

gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus
gl_g_party_level_match: leveling up Marcus

partyMemberIncLevels: Marcus

Let's fix that first.

Feel free to comment if that still happens after fixing the config.

Excuse me? 'After fixing the config'? You mean this is now supposedly fixed, or was I supposed to edit something in whatever-config to fix this? I'm not sure what you mean.

You need to fix party level config in fo2tweaks.ini.

Oh, that. Would party_level_match=1 along with NPCAutoLevel=0 be the cause of it?

I doubt that.

Well, then, I wouldn't know how to fix the issue.
Don't take this in a wrong way, but I'm still unsure why you're telling me that I gotta fix this - as if I know how to.