
cassidy leather armor bonus missing from proto (

Closed this issue · 10 comments

so his base AC is 6 with leather armor on but there are no bonuses from leather armor he is wearing.

changed +15 AC bonus and leather armor bonus stats like i think it should be

How can this be seen in game?

and here is what i think it should look like and how i edited the file i posted.

I think it shows base AC.

In Suliks case I remember it shows base AC + armor bonus. so thats why i thought Cassidy was broken. Cassidy is wearing his armor unlike Sulik.

I need to reproduce this, so can you please attach a savegame and describe the steps?

Equip/unequip armor on Sulik and Cassidy.
Sulik should have AC base 7 + 8 from leather jacket
Cassidy has base 6 and no bonus, and when you unequip his armor AC goes negative

basically i think the game does not take into account that Cassidy is wearing armor.

Just tested leveling cassidy and game seem to calculate it correctly after he levels.

You are right. I screwed up with cleaning files in v7. New version should have it right.

no it is not your fault.
I am not sure but I believe it is vanilla bug and RP has not fixed it either.
I tested v8 and I think you probably copied the pro file from RP and the issue remains still

Interesting. So all those years Cassidy was a walking target?
But levels accumulate quickly around VC area, that's probably it wasn't noticed.
I added your version now, thanks.