
black screen after being kicked out by Vortis (NCR)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

jvs3 commented

In the NCR if I talk to Vortis and pick the first dialog option or ask about work and then refuse my character gets teleported out of the building. My character is then visible for a second outside the building and then the screen goes black with only the fire in the barrel outside visible.

It is still possible to load a game (ctrl + l and then enter) or open the menu (escape) but the black screen stays and I have to alt-tab out of the game to close it.


Before entering the NCR for the first time

Before talking to Vortis

EDIT: this is with FO2tweaks v10, Restoration Project v8 and sfall v4.1.9.1 and v4.2
I reported it here because I don't think Restoration Project adds anything to Vortis?

RP does add stuff to Vortis, but this applies to both, I made a typo.
Hotfix for RPU is attached, extract into data/scripts.