
Evil Skynet bugged

giathai opened this issue · 11 comments

After killing one of party member (Vic in my case), Skynet still respond with only "give weapon, proceed to surface" and not turn hostile.

I gave it a sarcasm "it's nice to want" to raise the alarm on level 3 (just because). Then I proceed to kill all the bots. get the cybernetic brain. Install that onto the riflebot body.

Now, when we run the sequence to start that up, skynet say skynet will now travel with you. then the next time would be "give weapon, proceed to surface". I can trade with it (thus I give it the ryder BB) and change command (but can not choose best weapon.

Note: when Skynet join on 3rd floor, I already has a 5 member party at CHA7. It force to join in the way Bess, Pariah Dog did, I think.

If, when arrive at the shot-open door we press A to enter combat immediately, so the hostile/kill member script not fired up. Then I run back inside, Skynet would stay on the outside. And when we get out and talk to it, it repeat "give weapon, proceed to surface" but nothing else, no join, no kill, nothing.

Obviously this is intentional, a way to keep evil skynet according to Per guide. But still, it is a broken script~ Can you check?

Please provide a savegame, explain what you do after loading it, what results do you expect and what do you get instead. Also version details, other mods, etc.

[This rar file contain slot 7 and slot 8 with title.]

"Before getting Evil Skynet out" With full party and Evil Skynet (we pissed it off with It's nice to want") on floor 1.
Getting out of the door, evil skynet will proceed to move to object name as "A slave" (in which case is Vic) and make that one burst like a melon. IF after getting out of the door we run like a devil toward the car... Skynet will be forced to follow us and delay doing that kill action. When we stop, like back at the car, Skynet will return to kill.
Scenario B: Getting out of the door, we immediately run back inside. Full party WITHOUT Skynet. Getting out again and Skynet wait at the initial position like before but broken. No moving to kill, no nothing~ Bug???
Oh, and it follow us again to outside like normal.

Savegame "back at Wright" is the result of our party run toward the car and drive to New Reno.

All the scenario as above: Skynet only has dialog of giving weapon, and proceed to surface. We did equip it with ryder LE BB before.

INFO: Fallout2, then RP, then copy over SFall 3823 dll, but adding other codes to original ddraw.ini. Better Miria by Endocore mod. I also overwrite sulik and Kitsune int files so they has their own static appearance instead of changing with armors.

I will add the reason to take an Evil Skynet: it force itself into our party without regard for CHARISMA. So my full party of 5 companion can take it. So that's the motivation.
Normal Skynet, ie we dont piss it off before installation, will check for party limit.

(better to attach files directly to github, in case we'd need to revisit them later)

Getting out of the door, we immediately run back inside. Full party WITHOUT Skynet. Getting out again and Skynet wait at the initial position like before but broken. No moving to kill, no nothing

OK, so if I understand correctly, you expect it to proceed to kill a party member, and then join as "evil", right?

That's what it should do according to normal scenario.

In its bugged state, we cant talk to it to use repair dialog line, or tell it to wait.

ok, but this isn't limited to RP, right?

This bug is mentioned in Perl guide. UP seems to have Evil Skynet kill entire party , was mentioned here

As far as I can see, UP and RP versions are pretty much the same, and it means that the bug is that evil Skynet does not proceed to kill the whole party. And having it join should not be possible in the first place.

Eh. I just report the situation. You decide if it's worth labour to fix it.

Otherwise, I am keeping that lobotomized sucker. More carryweight is more carryweight. EDIT: he's still leveled up. But I reload waaaay back to before getting him. Navarro require solo and we can NOT tell him to wait~

I think the whole evil Skynet joining is a bug, and killap introduced another bug when made Skynet pop all party members instead of just one.
Save isn't loading, so can't test, but hopefully original behaviour is now restored, and Skynet should remember to keep walking towards the party if they left area.

  1. evil skynet joining is logical behaviour. It is wanting to leave SAD so it force itself into our party without regard to CHA limit.
  2. When moving from ground level back inside the facility, Evil Skynet NOT in party is a bug though it is a minor issue since it has no effect on gameplay.
  3. Evil Skynet kill one or all party is an expected behavior from EVIL skynet. But the whole "moving to a party member then kill him/her in normal state" is a bug. Because player can influence the whole process
    If you can make Evil Skynet just "initiate combat, moving to a party member then kill him/her" as a sequence it would be more snappy than that. Player also dont have a chance to affect it unless they press A during transition.