Call for Maintainers

Opened this issue · 5 comments

又要到了准备毕业论文的季节了,BUAAthesis又火了起来,很高兴大家能对这些工作的认可,大部分成就归功于 @JosephPeng ,他做了几乎所有的基础工作,我只是在后来的基础上进行了一些改进和维护。不过有一个现实问题是我俩都毕业好多年了,所以已经没有非常大的精力来维护这个项目了。如果可以,希望有人能将这个模板传递下去。

如果你有意成为维护者,我们可以将你的名字写入到项目的sample文档里,也会给你提供这个repo的write权限。当然在此之前的基本条件是你提交并被通过一个修改cls的pull request,也就是大致确认你知道如何修改cls(虽然正规的应该用dtx写才对,这是历史遗留问题)。


Wish for your coming。

Suddenly notice this issue. I think we can close this now, right? @sighingnow :-)

I agree.

Hi, @huxuan ,@sighingnow
Sorry for my absence of the issues you have discussed.
Thanks for your works.
Whenever should I be noticed immediately or not, @huxuan could Wechat or QQ me.

AFAIK, since @sighingnow has already graduated for several years, it might be the time to reopen (and even pin) this issue as meanwhile there are several more latex developers trying to contribute to BUAAthesis.

Hi, @xinwen-cs, @soldivelot, also any other contributors that who has contributed real tex related code or can prove the capability of LaTeX development, please let us know if you are interested in help maintaining this project.

AFAIK, since @sighingnow has already graduated for several years, it might be the time to reopen (and even pin) this issue as meanwhile there are several more latex developers trying to contribute to BUAAthesis.

Yes, new contributors are welcomed at any time!