Incorrect layout for reference in MacOS

Beyer-Yan opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I run the sample-master.tex in MacOS with mactex 2020, but get incorrect reference layout.

What parameters should I configure to make it work, like [1], [2-5].

You need to run make master to make sure the bib are processed correctly for references.

Close as invalid.

@Beyer-Yan Free to reopen if you have any further questions 😆

You need to run make master to make sure the bib are processed correctly for references.

I did run with make master. I did not change anything for this template, but it failed to work. But when I tried the example from GB-7714 repo, it gave the correct reference layout as expected.

I will double check that.

I have the same problem in M1 MBP, and the author names are all capitalized.


I have the same problem in M1 MBP, and the author names are all capitalized.

It can be solved by modifying the option in gbt7714-numerical.bst

  1. #1 ' := -> #0 ' :=
  2. #1 ' := -> #0 ' :=
RayKr commented

I have the same problem in M1 MBP, and the author names are all capitalized.

It can be solved by modifying the option in gbt7714-numerical.bst

  1. #1 ' := -> #0 ' :=
  2. #1 ' := -> #0 ' :=


Hi, I run the sample-master.tex in MacOS with mactex 2020, but get incorrect reference layout. image

What parameters should I configure to make it work, like [1], [2-5]. Thanks!

Do you have any solutions? I'm also facing issues with incorrect citation formatting in a macOS environment.