
[Story]: test

Closed this issue · 1 comments





Acceptance criteria


Comments / questions

No response

Definition of ready/done

  • Definition of ready
- Acceptance criteria written and reviewed by QA, PM and SE
- Behaviour scenarios written
- Signed off UX design
- Estimated and appropriately scoped
  • Definition of done
- Test complete
    - Merged to master
    - Unit tests on all new code (80% coverage)
    - Integration tests for endpoints / web sockets
    - End-to-end or integration tests verifying acceptance criteria
- Code complete
    - Peer reviewed (2 people)
    - Follows Helpful code standards / versioning guidelines
    - No commented out code or TODOs
    - TSLint / Sonarqube exceptions have explicit explanations
- Verified by QA
    - Functionally manually verified on a setup like the actual setup
    - QA verifies test coverage aligns with master test plan
- Verified by UX and product owner / verified by the team
- Documentation of tech debt
- Persistent technical documentation updated / written
    - Ready is updated / written

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

There is one or more incomplete checklist items on this issue. Please complete or remove the incomplete checklist items. Reopening the issue.