
[Minor]: Remove all projects but new github project

Closed this issue · 2 comments


This change should remove all other projects and any files (github actions) related to those projects.


There is no need for UX for this issue, since no UI will be created.

Acceptance criteria

Comments / questions

No response

Definition of ready/done (DOR/DOD) [DONT CHANGE THE CONTENT]

Definition of ready

  • DOR

    - Acceptance criteria written and reviewed by QA, PM and SE
    - Behaviour scenarios written
    - Signed off UX design
    - Estimated and appropriately scoped

Definition of done

  • DOD

    - Test complete
        - Merged to master
        - Unit tests on all new code (80% coverage)
        - Integration tests for endpoints / web sockets
        - End-to-end or integration tests verifying acceptance criteria
    - Code complete
        - Peer reviewed (1 person/people)
        - Follows BHelpful code standards / versioning guidelines
        - No commented out code or TODOs
        - TSLint / Sonarqube exceptions have explicit explanations
    - Verified by QA
        - Functionally manually verified on a setup like the actual setup
        - QA verifies test coverage aligns with master test plan
    - Verified by UX and product owner / verified by the team
    - Documentation of tech debt
    - Persistent technical documentation updated / written
        - Ready is updated / written

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

There is one or more incomplete checklist items on this issue. Please complete or remove the incomplete checklist items. Reopening the issue.