
Support fancy indexing

fperez opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently fancy indexing isn't supported at all.

In [79]: cap_ax_spec = 'capitals', ['washington', 'london', 'berlin', 'paris', 'moscow']
    ...: time_ax_spec = 'time', ['0015', '0615', '1215', '1815']
    ...: t = DataArray(np.arange(4*5).reshape(4,5), [time_ax_spec, cap_ax_spec])
    ...: t.axis.capitals[['paris', 'london']]
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/fperez/research/code/datarray/datarray/ in ()
      2 time_ax_spec = 'time', ['0015', '0615', '1215', '1815']
      3 t = DataArray(np.arange(4*5).reshape(4,5), [time_ax_spec, cap_ax_spec])
----> 4 t.axis.capitals[['paris', 'london']]

/home/fperez/research/code/datarray/datarray/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    218         # XXX We don't handle fancy indexing at the moment

    219         if isinstance(key, (np.ndarray, list)):
--> 220             raise NotImplementedError('We do not handle fancy indexing yet')
    221         parent_arr = self.parent_arr # local for speed
    222         parent_arr_ndim = parent_arr.ndim

NotImplementedError: We do not handle fancy indexing yet

As a preliminary plan, we can try to:

  • do the equivalent of asarray(t)[fancy_indexing] but return a DataArray instance, just that it has all its axes unnamed and unlabeled.
  • once the above is working, we can try to define for which cases the semantics of what axes/labels survive the indexing operation are, and implement those.

An example where you manually pick out elements, for example, will necessarily drop dimensions, and something like this can't really preserve any labels/axes, since the output's geometry has nothing to do with the input:

In [110]: a  = arange(12).reshape(3,4)
     ...: b = a[[(1,2,1),(0,1,3)]]
     ...: print a
     ...: print b
[[ 0  1  2  3]
 [ 4  5  6  7]
 [ 8  9 10 11]]
[4 9 7]