
NotFoundError : _ZN10tensorflow8OpKernel11TraceStringB5cxx11EPNS_15OpKernelContextEb

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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It showed the same version. but when I tried compiling it this time it gave this error.
I haven't found anything about this error anywhere in StackOverflow or any other platform.
Thank you.

wkopp commented

This too is an error that is unrelated to janggu. Unfortunately, I am not able to help with this. You might want to redirect your question to the tensorflow repository, if you don't manage to solve it.

@starboyvarun This means that is not properly linked or you force it use to use an incompatible library.

The error says that there's a symbol that wants to use but cannot find in any other loaded library. The symbol should be provided by the tensorflow library.

This is not an error with janggu, so I suggest closing this issue.