
NotImplementedError: "intersectBed" does not appear to be installed or on the path, so this method is disabled. Please install a more recent version of BEDTools and re-import to use this method.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have tried solving this error and even asked for guidance to solve this error in other forums like StackOverflow and biostars.
Been more than 9 days since I posted there but no response. In StackOverflow, this question got +1.
Links to the questions that I have asked has been attached below :

Previously you told me to do: "Directory containing the bedtools binaries must be listed on the PATH environment variable"
I have done this

2 1

2 2

2 3

After, implementing the PATH variable. Still getting this _Error.

2 4

2 5

To verify that JANGGU installation works I tried to run this example contained in the janggu package as It authenticates. As you can see this example Runs perfectly.

2 6

I wanted to implement "Detecting genes from aligned sequencing data"
Can you please tell me what I can do to solve the particular problem I wanted to implement via Google collaborator?
Can I share my Google collab .ipynb notebook link?
I have tried all these days solving this.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You.

I am eagerly waiting for your reply @wkopp.
Thank You.

wkopp commented

Did you install bedtools via apt-get install bedtools. sys.path.append is not going to work, because bedtools is not a python program. sys.path.append modifies the PYTHONPATH environment variable, but not PATH (see I'm closing this, because it is not a janggu issue. I'm currently on vacation, please excuse my long response time, thanks.

@wkopp Thank you for taking the time to reply on your vacation. I will try my best not to disturb you again.
Thank you so much.