Theme Editor.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

A simple theme editor to change how BLCMM looks would be very nice.

Agreed, though the current theme handling would need a bit of an overhaul to support it. At the moment, the themes are defined in code and include some self-referential bits like so:

        theme.put(ColorType.UICancelButtonBackground, new Color(10, 0, 0));
        theme.put(ColorType.UITextLink, new Color(170, 170, 255));
        theme.put(ColorType.TreeMUTChecker, new Color(192, 139, 200));
        theme.put(ColorType.TreeCommentChecker, theme.get(ColorType.UINimbusAlertYellow));
        theme.put(ColorType.TreeSpecialCommentChecker, theme.get(ColorType.UINimbusAlertYellow).brighter().brighter().brighter());
        theme.put(ColorType.TreeCompleteClassCommandChecker, theme.get(ColorType.UIText).darker());
        theme.put(ColorType.TreeHotfixChecker, theme.get(ColorType.UINimbusInfoBlue));

Not a huge deal, of course -- plenty of ways around that -- but would definitely need a bit of an overhaul. Thanks for the suggestion, will try and get it in at some point!