
BNFC tarball ships `Lex.hs` and `Par.hs`

andreasabel opened this issue · 0 comments

This affects all releases of BNFC 2.9 and most of 2.8.
Not affected: 2.8.1,

It is not clear though whether this makes cabal skip the alex and happy steps. So it could be a cosmetic issue.
I had some problem with 2.8.3 (fixed in, but that shipped several copies of Lex.hs:


Today I witnessed a build failure of BNFC with an old alex (using GHC 9.4 with alex 3.2.5). Maybe this can be fixed by requiring a new alex and happy in the build-tool-depends section that create output valid for all GHCs we support (8 and 9 so far).
Reproducer would be:

  • install alex-3.2.5
  • install recent GHC, e.g. 9.4.7
  • cabal install BNFC-2.9.5