
Triple-store deliverables (hackathon)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Tasks are grouped under headers for 1. widget-related, 2. non-widget-related, 3. links to stretch goals in separate issues.

Hackathon widget deliverable


  • Get Aalborg instance server credentials (not used, see #3)
  • Get admin credentials on server (Tom & Tomas have)
  • Create non-admin users (as required for apps/interfaces, see #5 )
    Fuseki access has been a struggle at the hackathon
  • Consider appropriate credential management within Bonsai organisation (out of repo scope)

Data Loading

  • EXIOBASE data imported
  • Electricity model (Bentso) data imported

Download and export page

  • Test on dummy data (done: )
  • Export specification (RDF as JSON-LD)
  • General export function (automatically created through Fuseki interface).
    Specific export function, using queries on named graphs containing for example:
  • Raw database
  • Resolved database
    Maybe accessed/called via the web-app ?

Non-widget hackathon deliverables

SPARQL endpoint


  • Functional readme following BEP0004 suggestions
  • Write instructions: configuring a new db instance. Such that someone new can set up their own DB instance (reproducibility)

Stretch goals

Stored in separate issues to not impact the progress bars
See #4

Data versioning
Raw data stored in a separate graph from resolved data
_conceptual work needed for the provenance of derived data? _

I think we're waiting for the final version of the ontology to be able to do the imports right? or do we just do the mapping afterwards?

Yup. I think the dependencies are...

  1. ontology draft ready
  2. data (instances) following that ontology

Then when that data needs to be stored: we should ideally be ready to receive it immediately. Presumably using the existing Jena instance at Aalborg. Do you (or anyone?) know the details about that? IP, credentials etc.?

nope, no details for that from me. perhaps ask in #general in slack.

The ontology should be ready to be loaded.
Please import it in named graph <>

Also, there should be somewhere the named graph for the output of the correspondance table data I guess