
My client crash with a loop

Closed this issue · 22 comments

I have now all the logfiles and i can not find the reason for the crashes.
Advice me what you need more to help me.

Hardware, OS, other Tools running? More info is always better ...

I have changed to a Raspberry Pi 3b+ and run Rasbian 5.4.35-v7+. I use linein from a usb soundcard. Just the bw3 server and client running on this Pi.

which SDR Dongle and which USB Soundcard?

No dongle at all and a Chinese noname usb soundcard. I have got it to decode ones or twice but then something happens.

Do you have this poblem only with line in or also with an sdr?
Maybe there's a alsa/performance problem at this point on a Raspi.
@janspeller can you also take a look into the logs, please?

I have not tried BW3 with sdr. I use BW2 on another Pi with sdr and it works great. I will try to reinstall and see it that helps. In log it looks like the arecord crash also with overrun and i dont know what it is.

now i am trying --buffer-size=192000 (10s) if i am correct. To much but it was a suggestion on net. Not so much alarm here so it will take a while to get an error.

No crash so far :) 3 alarms decoded. Buffersize seams to do the trick. Set 100000 now.
I read that someone use ffmpeg, maybe better then arecord?

Today it crashed again. I increase buffer to 150000 now and start again.

I give up. Nothing seem to help.

Looks like a general problem to me. I think on a machine with more power this will not happen.
But i have no idea whats the exact problem here and what we can do to fix that - maybe someone other has an idea for that.

Testing on a PI4 4GB now. Let you know if it works better.

Workoing longer on the PI4, a few days, then same thing happens. And the watchdog is just looping. I think the watchdog has to be rewritten to kill the whole client, wait for 2 seconds and then start all over. The PID thing now dont work for me at all. And to the watchdog you should be able to connect the plugins too, so when it trigger the watchdog it is possible to get a notification in Pushover for example.

I finally had some time to look into this.
If you didn't already, you might try using arecord with --buffer-time=1000000 instead of --buffer-size.

According to the also manual, buffer-time is in microseconds, so 1000000 would be exactly 1 second.

The process manager need some work too because it just loop.

What do you mean, exactly?

I finally had some time to look into this.
If you didn't already, you might try using arecord with --buffer-time=1000000 instead of --buffer-size.

According to the also manual, buffer-time is in microseconds, so 1000000 would be exactly 1 second.

Still crash and filled up my sdcard. I had made some changes to the "watchdog" so maybe next time i can read the logs.

Still no luck. Crash and fill up sdcard. I will stay with BW2.

@sm7tix maybe this is fixed with #64 from @janspeller ?