
[FRONTEND] Add Functionality to View All Links created by a User

BRAVO68WEB opened this issue · 15 comments

Design :-
My links

Do's :-
Create Demo Items and add 5 demo items as links

Don'ts :-
Don't integrate with Backend

I want to work on this issue under GSSoC'22

Ok go ahead

I'm sorry I didn't notice that it is a frontend task.

please unassign me and reassign me to this issue #74

@hazemessam That's also Frontend + Integration

I will create more Backend Issues tomorrow, you may take those

Is this available?
Can I work on this issue under GSSOC'22?

Yes Go ahead

@aadityasinha-dotcom What's your progress?

Almost done.

Screenshot from 2022-03-05 16-38-44

@aadityasinha-dotcom Have you button to open this menu?

From left side in nav menu

How to open it?

How to open it?

/myLinks or go to /dashboard and click on my links button