Radiology in the Cloud

A web-based system to store and process medical images in the cloud

What does this project do?

To show a proof of concept that the user can send a job to OpenShift, and get the results back, there is a plugin that reverses a text file. So, the user would send a text file to OpenShift, have it processed using the process manager, and get a reversed file back. To run this plugin, please see the instructions below.

Instructions to run project:

Currently this project runs a sample application that reverses text files.

  1. Download oc binaries. OS-based instructions are here:
  2. Clone or download this repository.
  3. Open a terminal inside this project.
  4. Run 'cd simulatedBackEnd’.
  5. Run './ [filename] [userID]'
  • filename: we have provided a sample file (test.txt). You can also use any .txt file.
  • userID: any identifying name, all lowercase (e.g. user)
  1. The link to the output file will be displayed in the terminal. An example of what it will look like is:[userID]-3c8930db6a2df7b0571fd2f8/somefile.out