
GUI windows should open at the top of the screen

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This might just be a personal preference issue, but the GUI windows are about as big as my screen. So when the window pops up halfway down and I have to drag it to the top it's a little annoying. I feel this should be an easy fix in somewhere in the widgets, but I could be wrong.

Try taking out the self.move(200,200) lines and see how that helps. There's one in pyhammer.py and another in eyecheck.py, one for each GUI. I think then by default it will set the window more or less in the center of the screen.

Nope, that didn't fix it.

Perhaps then self.move(0,0). That should force the window to appear in the upper-left hand corner of the screen.

Yes, that fixed it. I think it's okay to move it a little bit horizontal, but I wouldn't move it vertical.