Can VBx work on the windows?

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i am very interested in this programe when i run the shell file on my windows pc . The warning appear below,i really don't know what it's mean.

WARNING, path does not exist: KALDI_ROOT=/mnt/matylda5/iveselyk/Tools/kaldi-trunk

(please add 'export KALDI_ROOT=<your_path>' in your $HOME/.profile)

(or run as: KALDI_ROOT=<your_path> python <your_script>.py)

The scripts are prepared to run with bash. If you want to run the code with Windows, you will need to adapt the .sh files. Python files should, a priori, work the same.
The warning you see means that you need to set the KALDI_ROOT variable with the path to where you have Kaldi repository. However, how did you reach that warning?