ISSC 2021 - Loads Committee - BENCHMARK

The aim of this benchmark is to better evaluate the capability of current sea-keeping codes to evaluates vertical bending moment, on extreme waves, on rigid hulls. Reference results are model tests performed at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (Experimental analysis of wave-induced vertical bending moment in steep regular waves)

Benchmark specification can be found below.

Experimental model

The model is a 6750 TEU container-ship, at scale 1:65. Geometry can be found in IGES format. (file input / 6750TEUcontainership-scale1_65-breakwater.igs). The hull geometry is the same as the one used in Benchmark study on motions and loads of a 6750-TEU containership, and mass properties are very close.

The geometry here provided corresponds exactly to the model (including protection from green-water for measurement equipment).

IgesImage waveImage

All coordinates are here given from aft perpendicular. Aft perpendicular is located 0.09045m forward from the transom.

Main dimension

Units Model Full scale
Lpp m 4.41 286.6
Beam m 0.615 40
Draft m 0.1843 11.98
Mass kg 312.61 85849972
X_CoG m 2.13 143.70
Y_CoG m 0.0 0.0
Z_CoG m 0.256 16.66
R_xx m 0.18 12.0
R_yy m 1.10 71.5
R_zz m 1.10 71.4
R_xz m -0.11 -7.0

Mass distribution

Segment Mass X_CoG Y_CoG Z_CoG I_xx I_yy I_zz I_xz X Segment connection
S1 31.749 0.365 0.0 0.265 0.866 1.805 1.819 0.082 0.62755
S2 32.913 0.807 0.0 0.290 1.490 1.474 1.031 -0.237 1.03755
S3 25.975 1.242 0.0 0.185 0.719 0.722 0.871 0.001 1.44755
S4 44.082 1.745 0.0 0.207 1.022 1.490 1.670 -0.150 1.90455
S5 40.669 2.054 0.0 0.214 1.025 1.481 1.658 0.021 2.36155
S6 39.974 2.565 0.0 0.305 1.718 1.557 1.067 -0.017 2.77155
S7 34.666 3.002 0.0 0.305 1.413 1.367 1.019 0.166 3.18155
S8 33.553 3.406 0.0 0.291 1.221 1.273 0.907 0.193 3.59155
S9 29.027 3.919 0.0 0.242 0.567 1.959 1.999 0.039


The vessel is restrain with a soft mooring, which results in a surge natural period of 11.8s (95s full scale). This is considered far enough from the wave period not to impact significantly the wave loads.


k1 = k2 = k3 = k4 = 56 N/m

alpha = 45 degrees


Following waves are to be run by benchmark participants. All conditions are pure head waves, without any forward speed.

ID PERIOD (s) HEIGHT (m) LAMBDA (m) Steepness (%)
Base case (Lambda = Lpp)
179 1.68 0.093 4.41 2.1%
115 1.67 0.168 4.41 3.8%
118 1.66 0.229 4.41 5.2%
140 1.62 0.384 4.41 8.7%
142 1.59 0.463 4.41 10.5%
Optional (steepness = 5.2%)
123 1.44 0.172 3.31 5.2%
124 1.85 0.287 5.51 5.2%
125 2.03 0.344 6.61 5.2%
145 2.19 0.401 7.72 5.2%


To ease the post-processing of the results, participants are kindly requested to respect the following guidelines.

  1. Calculation information ( file to be named "participantId_info.dat" )

    • Institution who is running the calculation
    • Software category (among CFD, SPH, Fully non-linear potential, weakly non-linear potential)
    • Software used
    • Calculation time (order of magnitude).
  2. Time series of Heave, Pitch and Vertical Bending Moment ( file to be named "participantID_caseID.dat" )

    • 11 columns (time (s), heave (m), pitch (rad) and VBM_i (N.m), for all inter-segment from 1 to 8, separated with whitespace
    • Results given at model scale
    • Results should include still water loads
    • First line will be interpreted as still water behavior (this first line could be added "manually" in case simulation would not start from rest)
    • Time range considered as steady-state for each case should be specified in file "participantId_STABLE.dat"

Example of results are shown in folder "Example"

Results should be send by email.