
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments

This is the reference implementation of the Continuous Environment Meta-Reinforcement Learning (CEMRL) algorithm. The implementation is based on rlkit and PEARL.



For our experiments we use MuJoCo200, however due to old PEARL dependencies, older versions have to be installed, too:

  • Get a MuJoCo license key. Follow the instructions.
  • Put your key file in ~/.mujoco.
  • Download the versions mujoco131, mujoco150, mujoco200 and put them in ~/.mujoco.
  • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to all the MuJoCo binaries (~/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin, mujoco150, mujoco200 respectively).
  • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to your gpu drivers (something like /usr/lib/nvidia-390, you can find your version by running nvidia-smi).
  • A copy of old mujoco files is also included in this repository.

Conda environment

For the remaining dependencies, we recommend using miniconda. Use the environment.yml file to set up a conda virtual machine. Before doing the command below, make sure you have put "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/USERNAME/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin" in the "~/.bashrc".

conda env create --name cemrl --file=environment.yml

Make sure the correct GPU driver is installed and you use a matching version of CUDA toolkit for your GPU.


Old PEARL dependency

Modified Gym environments:

We created our own versions of the standard MuJoCo / Gym environments. Therefore install the following:


  • We have tested Meta-World with CEMRL, but the results are not included in the paper.
  • Clone the metaworld repository to /path/to/metaworld.
  • Checkout the commit used in this work in a new branch: git checkout -b cemrl_basis 5bcc76e1d455b8de34a044475c9ea3979ca53e2d

Installation of dependencies

Install all previous dependencies to the conda environment in dev-mode.

cd /path/to/dependency
conda activate cemrl
pip install -e .

This installation has been tested only on 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04.

Run experiments

To reproduce an experiment, run:

conda activate cemrl
python runner.py configs/[EXP].json
# Options:
--use_mp            # parallelize data collection across num_workers
--num_workers=8     # configure number of workers, default: 4
--gpu=2             # configure GPU number, default: no GPU

A working starting example is python runner.py configs/cheetah-stationary-vel.json. Experiments in configs/others are deprecated and might not work.

  • Output files will be written to ./output/[ENV]/[EXP NAME] where the experiment name is uniquely generated based on the date. The file progress.csv contains statistics logged over the course of training, variant.json documents the used parameters, further files contain pickled data for specific epochs like weights, encodings.

Analyze experiments

With the script cemrl/analysis/analysis_runner.py you can do the following: log to database, plot rewards, plot encodings, showcase the learned policy etc.

  • copy the path of a specific experiment to path_to_weights in cemrl/configs/analysis_config.py, select which parts of the analysis should be done (by setting them True in the analysis_params).
  • run python cemrl/analysis/analysis_runner.py

Things to notice

  • Most relevant code for the cemrl algorithm is in the folder ./cemrl.
  • We use ray for data collection parallelization. Make sure to configure a suitable amount of num_workers to not crash the program.
  • Experiments are configured via json configuration files located in ./configs, include a basic default configuration ./configs/default.py.
  • Environment wrappers are located in rlkit/envs.
  • The algorithm option combination_trainer is deprecated and not supported.
  • Adjust the max_replay_buffer_size according to the amount of collected data and supported memory.