
Complete capture programmatically?

donmccurdy opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi! I've used SpectorJS often in interactive contexts where there's a running frameloop, and I click things in the UI to start a capture and reload the page. It's enormously useful!

Today I'm trying to debug failures in a testing scaffold with many WebGL contexts, and having trouble getting SpectorJS to capture events for the correct canvas during the test period. For various reasons I think I need to do this entirely programmatically — no clicking in the UI — and while I've been trying to follow the basic usage I'm having trouble getting results.

My code looks like this:

  const spector = new SPECTOR.Spector();

  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'my-canvas';
  canvas.width = canvas.height = 1;

  // <create webgl context>

  // <call gl.drawArrays> 


Immediately I see this:

please select a canvas

And a few seconds later it updates to:

no frames detected

The canvas I originally captured is listed in the dropdown, but doesn't appear to be selected, and no results are coming up. Am I doing this incorrectly, or is this something where a minimal reproducible example would be helpful?


I don't know if that helps (I never used Spector programmatically myself):

Hey @donmccurdy, sorry for the late reply,

Can you try with:

spector.captureCanvas(renderCanvas, 100000); // 100000 is the max amount of commands to capture

and then

spector.stopCapture(); // this forces to end a capture before the end of the 10s timeout without reaching the max command count

as by default captureCanvas will wait for the next frame.

Thanks @sebavan! I'm hitting some trouble there, but I think it's and spector.js fighting over spying on the GL context, and not a spector.js issue as such... I'll try tracking down what's happening and report back if that's anything relevant to spector.js.

In the meantime I'm trying another workaround — if you visit and try to capture the "deckgl-overlay" canvas using the Spector Chrome extensions, do you know of a way to get real output? I'm seeing very limited output, probably just 1 frame, and since the canvas only redraws when the map pans, it doesn't have much:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 4 57 38 PM

If there's a way to select the canvas, reload the page, and capture the first X frames on reload, that would probably do it. Or to capture X seconds giving enough time to interactively pan the map.

sure, you can select the canvas and at the bottom of the capture view select lets say 5000 commands and hit reload :-)


This would reload the page and capture the first 5000 gl call on this canvas. As they are not enough, it will wait 10s to timeout and display the result:

I ll close for now and lets reopen if needed

Thanks @sebavan! Just to spell it out for future readers, the steps required here are:

  1. select the canvas in the spector UI
  2. increase ___ first commands to around 5000
  3. press 'reload'

steps to record