
loadUrl into uninitialized subroute fails

oskbor opened this issue · 3 comments

In my main router I have the following route handlers:

routes: {
    'i(:source)/*subroute': 'setSource',
    'view*subroute': 'invokeView',
    'settings*subroute': 'invokeSettings'
    invokeView : function (subroute) {
        subRoutes.view = new ViewRouter ('view', 
          {createTrailingSlashRoutes: true});
    invokeSettings : function (subroute) {
        subRoutes.settings = new SettingsRouter ('settings', 
          {createTrailingSlashRoutes: true});
    setSource: function (source, subroute) {
        console.log('set source to:', source, '.Routing through to:', subroute);
        Backbone.history.loadUrl(subroute); // <-- This doesn't work if the subRoute isn't initialized
      else {
        console.log('invalid source: ', source);

I have currently hacked your great lib to support my use case. I did that by doing this change:

            // grab the full URL
            var hash;
            if (Backbone.history.fragment) {
                hash = Backbone.history.getFragment(Backbone.history.fragment); //Was called without an argument before
            } else {
                hash = Backbone.history.getHash();

Not sure if this is a reasonable way to do it. Will it break someone else? Would you consider supporting this usecase?

br Oskar

Hi Oskar - Thanks for raising this issue. Please create a PR with your change and an associated test (that fails before your change and passes after) and we can evaluate if it's feasible.

I assume this can be closed now?

yep, thanks @amakhrov :)