
Example not working & accessToken.get() returns 401

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When trying to get an access token from accessToken.get(), keycloak returns a 401.

I've cloned down the repo and even used the example code and can't get anything different.

I'm also scratching my head at how many weekly downloads this package has without a working example. I
feel as if there's some guide out there that I can't find. Please provide me a link if there is a better place I should
be learning how to use this repo from.

Also I don't understand how we're supposed to use this in our backend? When I have multiple users logging in I can't save the instance of the Keycloak class so the private property "data" would never be populated... this lib just saves the refresh_token in this private property and assumes that we always use this one instance of the class which doesn't make any sense... how am I supposed to refresh the token of a user on subsequent requests when I don't get the refresh_token? This doesn't seem well thought through, at least I don't see how this is supposed to work.
And yes the examples are absolutely useless.