
TransactionHelper reads private field names instead of public property names.

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 internal static Dictionary<String, Object> ConvertInstanceToMap<E>( E instance )
      if( instance == null )
        throw new ArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_INSTANCE );

      Dictionary<String, Object> entity = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
      Type fieldsType = typeof( E );
      FieldInfo[] fields = fieldsType.GetFields( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance );

      foreach( FieldInfo field in fields )
        entity[ field.Name ] = field.GetValue( instance );

      return entity;
    internal static String GetObjectIdFromInstance<E>( E instance )
      if( instance == null )
        throw new ArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_INSTANCE );

      Type fieldsType = typeof( E );
      FieldInfo[] fields = fieldsType.GetFields( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance );

      foreach( FieldInfo field in fields ) 
        if( field.Name == "objectId" || field.Name == "ObjectId" )
          return (String) field.GetValue( instance );

      throw new ArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_OBJECT_ID_IN_INSTANCE );

These two methods read the field names from a Business Object rather than the property names. Because of that, transactions fail as it is looking for "objectId" etc when the field name is "_objectId" but the property name is "objectId"

Private fields tend to be internal to the class. Is it really the intention that it work this way?

I fixed it in my own project by forking the source and replacing FieldInfo with PropertyInfo for these two methods but I would rather stick with official releases.