
Error during Casboundary

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone!

I am running CRISPRloci in dna mode over a multi fasta and get the following error:
Running Prodigal on input Fasta file.
Generating Genome DataFrame
Searching for potential signature proteins
Extracting potential regions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 384, in
regions_fasta_file = extract_regions_sequences(proteins_fasta_file, regions_dataframes, args.output_dir)
File "", line 125, in extract_regions_sequences
proteins_ids_regions = set.union(*regions_prot_ids)
TypeError: descriptor 'union' of 'set' object needs an argument

########## CRISPR: Master Script #########

mkdir /work_dagan/sunam157/BGR_2013_2015/CRISPRloci/output/NODE_457_length_14276_cov_6173406__bin10_BGR2_DNA_150204_S0
res local folder /work_dagan/sunam157/BGR_2013_2015/CRISPRloci/output/NODE_457_length_14276_cov_6173406__bin10_BGR2_DNA_150204_S0
input file /work_dagan/sunam157/BGR_2013_2015/CRISPRloci/output/NODE_457_length_14276_cov_6173406__bin10_BGR2_DNA_150204_S0.fasta
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work_beegfs/sunam157/CRISPRloci/CRISPRloci-1.0.0/", line 1447, in
if len(os.listdir(dirname_cas + '/predictions/raw_cassettes/')) != 0:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/work_dagan/sunam157/BGR_2013_2015/CRISPRloci/output/NODE_457_length_14276_cov_6173406__bin10_BGR2_DNA_150204_S0/tmp/output-Casboundary/predictions/raw_cassettes/'

I briefly checked the output-Casboundary/hmmsearch_output_dir/Sig_HMM/ contents and didn't see any hits in the files. So I maybe, Casboundary was confused because there were no hits?
I also ran it on the example data. There it completed that step without issues. I will add the failed fasta to this issue, so you can better trace the error.

Yes it seems that the problem exactly with the Casboundary module.
It seems that the output is empty and therefore the error is occurring.

Can I kindly ask you to provide the labled intervals for the given input sequence if you know that certain cassettes are missing?

Hello, thank you for your reply!
I have no idea whether the sequence contains anything or not. That was just my guess based on the HMM output. I will attach the whole output folder, maybe that is helpful to you.