
Build fails on Windows

mitchcurtis opened this issue · 4 comments

copy /y E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/PhysicsEntity.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/BoxBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/ChainBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/CircleBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/EdgeBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/ImageBoxBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/PolygonBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/Boundaries.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/RectangleBoxBody.qml E:/Dev/Bacon2D/src/qmldir E:/Dev/Bacon2D-Debug/src/imports/Bacon2D/
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I think that the problem is here:

qmlplugin.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY $$QMLFILES $$OUT_PWD/imports/Bacon2D/
qmlplugin.path = $$target.path

Windows requires backslashes for its paths, but its copy command also doesn't seem to be able to take multiple files.

I'm not very good with qmake, but the INSTALLS variable as documented here seems to already take care of producing a valid copy command on all supported platforms, so the .commands stuff shouldn't be necessary:

qmlplugin.path = $$target.path
qmlplugin.files = $$QMLFILES

You might also be able to use the for loop approach shown here somehow, in combination with shell_path.

I'm also willing to test out potential fixes, or author them, with some qmake guidance. :) This issue is preventing me from testing out a patch that I'm working on for the examples.

@mitchcurtis I have a branch that may fix this, but I suspect there might be more similar issues. Please test

Thanks for the bug report, should be fixed now. I've built this on Windows 8.1 with Qt 5.4 and successfully ran some examples. If you create a game, please share it and your experiences on our G+ community

Yep, that fixes it. Thanks. :)