
Resolution & Aspect Ratio Independence

paulovap opened this issue · 9 comments

Resolution & Aspect Ratio Independence
it-s commented

Perhaps I can help you out here. Me and a friend had developed a mobile game using Qt/QML and "Resolution & Aspect Ratio Independence" is one of the problems we had to tackle early on. Let me know if you would like some help with it at all.

We would love to receive help @it-s . We hang around #bacon2d on IRC and we created a mailing list for discussion:!forum/bacon2d. We can talk about the best approach to this.

That is great, do you have any code we can look at for ideas? I've been thinking about this for a while and would love to get ideas. We are always welcoming new contributors, if you can work on a solution for us, please let us know. Thanks!

it-s commented

Hey guys!
It took me a while, but finally I got around to setting up sample code as I promised:
Thus far it's generic QML code using JS only (which is not good :) ) but it brings the point across.
I annotated the code as much as I could to make sure people understand what I'm doing.
Time permits I might continue working on it, or maybe not :)
Hope you find it useful.

Thanks @it-s! I'll spend some time looking at it soon, it's one of my most wanted features after 1.0.

it-s commented

No problem. If you have any questions please do ask.

it-s commented

I take it my code is way too messy :)
Maybe I should write a complete explanation of what I'm doing there.

Sorry, I just haven't had time to really look at it. I've been trying to wrap up the Bacon2D work needed for 1.0 whenever I could spare the time. I'll get to this after we release 1.0.

it-s commented

Ah OK. Sorry :) my bad