
Current implementation of LoggingResponseDecorator may log uninitialized headers

Closed this issue · 2 comments

During instantiation of the LoggingResponseDecorator, you are logging the headers of the response.

At that point the headers may not be initialized or fully committed. Besides, if I wanted to log the status code of the response, that would also be undefined at that stage. I have only tested this on the Java version of this code, but invoking the beforeCommit delegate method worked for me:

public LoggingResponseDecorator(ServerHttpResponse delegate) {
    beforeCommit(() -> Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("{} {}", getStatusCode(), getHeaders());

Sorry to create an issue of this, but the blog entry has the comments disabled.

Thanks for the feedback @ygreyeb. We'll take a look into this.

We fixed the code and updated the article @ygreyeb.