
Custom title flag breaks the configuration

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, how could i set custom flag --title=? i've tried on the following example and append --title=titlename but it doesn't worked.

    name: mpv
    executable: mpv
    fullscreen: "--fs"
    pip: "--ontop --no-border --autofit=384x216 --geometry=98\\%:98\\%" # --title=titlename ( not worked)
    enqueue: ""
    new_window: ""
    needs_ipc: true
    flag_overrides: {} 
    # "*": "--title=titlename" (this too)

I am having the same issue. I have tried every yaml syntax there is to use quotation marks inside this string:

pip: "--autofit=1080x720 --title=\"Hello\""
pip: "--autofit=1080x720 --title='Hello'"
pip: '--autofit=1080x720 --title="Hello"'
pip: --autofit=1080x720 --title="Hello"

The terminal output from firefox is always a working command, e.g.

/usr/bin/mpv --autofit=1080x720 --title="Hello"

This lets me believe that config.yml is parsed correctly (also because of there being a yaml error if the syntax used was wrong), so the problem has to be with open-in-mpv itself, I believe.

Edit: I found a way to get it to work (but it would be nice if there was a way "config only".

  1. In config.yml only pass the title flag without quotes:
pip: "--title=mpvFloating"

This has to be the first and only flag as everything after will be treated as the title as well (why? knowbody will ever know).

  1. Inside your browser (firefox for me) go to the extension and then to Preferences and tick the "Use custom command line flags" tick box and enter your desired flag into the field below, e.g. --autofit=1080x720

Edit 2: This way I only got ONE extra flag to work ...

Well, setting up the flag on the browser without adding anything to config.yaml does the job for me. I didn't know that setting exist. Thanks for letting me know.

Thank you for the bug report. I believe escaping the backslash with another backslash should work:

pip: "--autofit=1080x720 --title=\\'Hello\\'"

This is needed because YAML needs the double backslash to produce one, and the result goes to the shell which then uses it to escape the quotes. Anyways, I will add a note to the README for this quirk.

Well, setting up the flag on the browser without adding anything to config.yaml does the job for me. I didn't know that setting exist. Thanks for letting me know.

Sure, that works fine too.

PS: I'll pin this issue, anyone who has a suggestion can feel free to reopen it.