
Installation setup run forever

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

Thanks for making this extension!
However, I got problem when try to install using the command

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-clipboard

The install process keep running on

info No lockfile found.
[1/4] ๐Ÿ”  Resolving packages...
โก€ jupyterlab-clipboard@file:../extensions/jupyterlab-clipboard-0.2.1.tgz

forever and I don't know how to solve this issue.

The full traceback is as followed:

$ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-clipboard
> /usr/local/bin/npm pack jupyterlab-clipboard
npm notice
npm notice ๐Ÿ“ฆ  jupyterlab-clipboard@0.2.1
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 1.2kB package.json
npm notice 1.2kB
npm notice 93B   lib/clipboard.d.ts
npm notice 670B  lib/clipboard.js
npm notice 232B  lib/dialogs.d.ts
npm notice 2.2kB lib/dialogs.js
npm notice 487B  lib/image-editor.d.ts
npm notice 6.1kB lib/image-editor.js
npm notice 129B  lib/index.d.ts
npm notice 5.2kB lib/index.js
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          jupyterlab-clipboard
npm notice version:       0.2.1
npm notice filename:      jupyterlab-clipboard-0.2.1.tgz
npm notice package size:  4.9 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 17.6 kB
npm notice shasum:        5892ec3c868d2efe2fc2647e94ec1ed7dc09bfce
npm notice integrity:     sha512-MNpaN5o0iTvT4[...]fwGslLbIjyEdQ==
npm notice total files:   10
npm notice
> node /Users/meng.lee/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab/staging/yarn.js install
yarn install v1.5.1
(node:43616) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] ๐Ÿ”  Resolving packages...
โข€ jupyterlab-clipboard@file:../extensions/jupyterlab-clipboard-0.2.1.tgz

@leemengtaiwan you're welcome :)

Npm was able to detect the package, but it is failing to resolve it for some reason. I suspect it is a problem reaching the package repository due to connection issues or high latency.

I have published a new version where i removed an unused dependency. I tested installing it locally and it worked fine, so it is worth it if you give it another try.

Thanks again for doing this. I'm suffering from the same issue right now as well. I tried deleting everything /jupyter/lab/extensions but that didn't help.

@Will-So thanks for reporting, i'll try to investigate again

@Will-So Can you try with this new version? 0.2.3, I am unable to reproduce it locally so I have to rely on you guys, sorry โค๏ธ .

Oh maybe it has to do with jupyterlab version. What version of jupyterlab are you using?? I am using version 0.32.1 with jupyter version 4.4.0

you can know that by typing:

$ jupyter lab --version
$ jupyter --version

@Bamieh I have the exact same version with you:

$ jupyter lab --version
$ jupyter --version

The issue occur still, except that with the newer version 0.2.3:

[1/4] ๐Ÿ”  Resolving packages...
โ   jupyterlab-clipboard@file:../extensions/jupyterlab-clipboard-0.2.3.tgz

Any other advice is appreciated.

So i looked this problem up and it seems that it is the node version with yarn might be causing the issue:


You probably need to downgrade node or upgrade to get it to work properly, if that is the case, this issue is not related to this extension per say.

Had the same issue. I fixed by going into the jupyterlab folder within site-packages and editing .yarnrc
Change the path to yarn to its full static path.

@Bamieh I follow the instruction here and now the extension work perfectly.

Since it's node issue, we can close the issue if you want ๐Ÿ‘