🎰 Apps: Guides and information related to Gamba applications built within this project.

Gamba Apps/Platforms are frontends that interact with the Gamba on-chain Program, typically by allowing users to play betting games. Owners can earn revenue by having a Solana address attached to each play occurring on their App (known as a "creator address"). This means that they can make use of Gamba's liquidity across various tokens, earn fees on plays, all without risking a dime of their own. A simple webpage is all that's needed to host a betting app like a game or a casino. No backend deployments are necessary.

💧 Pools: Information on Gamba pools and related components.

Gamba liquidity pools serve as counterparties to bets made by players via various frontend apps. They function similarly to the house of a traditional casino, with the added benefit that anyone can participate and earn a part of the profits.

🎲 Games: Learn about the exciting Gamba games available in this project.

Games are initiated by the player, typically via a frontend app. The Gamba on-chain Program will validate each game, ensuring the player doesn't have an unfair advantage. A random number is then generated to determine the winner (either the player or the liquidity pool being played against).


  • gamba-core-v2 Core package with a provider for the Anchor program + utilities.

  • gamba-react-v2 Essential hooks and context providers for interacting with the Gamba program in a React app.

  • gamba-react-ui-v2 UI components and utilities.