Heterogeneous graph attention network for semi-supervised short text classification (EMNLP 2019)

Primary LanguagePython

An implement of EMNLP 2019 paper "Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Semi-supervised Short Text Classification".

Thank you for your interest in our work! 😄


  • Anaconda3 (python 3.6)
  • Pytorch 1.3.1
  • gensim 3.6.0

Easy Run

cd ./model/code/
python train.py

You may change the dataset by modifying the variable "dataset = 'example'" in the top of the code "train.py" or use arguments (see train.py).

Our datasets can be downloaded from Google Drive. PS: I have accidentally deleted some files, but I tried to restore them, hope they will run correctly.

Prepare for your own dataset

The following files are required:

    ---- YourData.cites                // the adjcencies
    ---- YourData.content.text         // the features of texts
    ---- YourData.content.entity       // the features of entities
    ---- YourData.content.topic        // the features of topics
    ---- train.map                     // the index of the training node
    ---- vali.map                      // the index of the validation nodes
    ---- test.map                      // the index of the testing nodes

The format is as following:

  • YourData.cites

    Each line contains an edge: "idx1\tidx2\n". eg: "98 13"

  • YourData.content.text

    Each line contains a node: "idx\t[features]\t[category]\n", note that the [features] is a list of floats with '\t' as the delimiter. eg: "59 1.0 0.5 0.751 0.0 0.659 0.0 computers" If used for multi-label classification, [category] must be one-hot with space as delimiter, eg: "59 1.0 0.5 0.751 0.0 0.659 0.0 0 1 1 0 1 0".

  • YourData.content.entity

    Similar with .text, just change the [category] to "entity". eg: "13 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 entity"

  • YourData.content.topic

    Similar with .text, just change the [category] to "topic". eg: "64 0.10 1.21 8.09 0.10 topic"

  • *.map

    Each line contains an index: "idx\n". eg: "98"

You can see the example in ./model/data/example/*

A simple data preprocessing code is provided. Successfully running it requires a token of tagme's account (my personal token is provided in tagme.py, but may be invalid in the future), Wikipedia's entity descriptions, and a word2vec model containing entity embeddings. You can prepare them yourself or obtain our files from Google Drive and unzip them to ./data/ .

Then, you should prepare a data file like ./data/example/example.txt, whose format is: "[idx]\t[category]\t[content]\n".

Finally, modify the variable "dataset = 'example'" in the top of following codes and run:

python tagMe.py
python build_network.py
python build_features.py
python build_data.py


If you just wanna use the HGAT model as a graph neural network, you can just prepare some files following the above format:

    ---- YourData.cites                // the adjcencies
    ---- YourData.content.*            // the features of *, namely node_type1, node_type2, ...
    ---- train.map                     // the index of the training node
    ---- vali.map                      // the index of the validation nodes
    ---- test.map                      // the index of the testing nodes

And change the "load_data()" in ./model/code/utils.py

type_list = [node_type1, node_type2, ...]
type_have_label = node_type

See the codes for more details.


If you make advantage of the HGAT model in your research, please cite the following in your manuscript:

  title={Heterogeneous graph attention networks for semi-supervised short text classification},
  author={Linmei, Hu and Yang, Tianchi and Shi, Chuan and Ji, Houye and Li, Xiaoli},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)},