
Memory Bloom filter: TODO "union", "intersect", and "clone config"

rogerdielrton opened this issue · 3 comments

Please, could you implemente these three features?

package orestes.bloomfilter.memory;
public class CountingBloomFilterMemory<T> implements CountingBloomFilter<T> {
    public boolean union(BloomFilter<T> other) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    public boolean intersect(BloomFilter<T> other) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public class BloomFilterMemory<T> implements BloomFilter<T> {
    public synchronized BloomFilter<T> clone() {
        BloomFilterMemory<T> o = null;
        try {
            o = (BloomFilterMemory<T>) super.clone();
        catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        o.bloom = (BitSet) bloom.clone();
        //TODO clone config
        return o;

Hi, this is on the roadmap, we hope to have it soon.

Is there an ETA for these functions?

We are sorry, but we can not estimate any ETA up to now.
But feel free to provide a pull request.

Btw: The BloomFilterMemory can already be cloned. The TODO was just not removed from the code. That the config is not cloned is a wanted behavior.
