
StreamDeck+ Unknown dialUp/dialDown event received

cvasquez-github opened this issue · 4 comments

public override void DialPress(DialPressPayload payload) is triggered properly but I'm getting an Event dialUp and dialDown FATAL log line BarRaider.SdTools.Communication.StreamDeckConnection Unknown event received from Stream Deck.

Using StreamDeck+ device, StreamDeck software version, and StreamDeckTools (NuGet)

Elgato's Stream Deck SDK has changed.
New StreamDeckTools v6.1 is out (should be indexed in Nuget shortly) which introduces the new DialDown and DialUp events (and deprecates the DialPress event which is no longer supported).

streamdeck software
StreamDeck-Tools" version="6.1.0"

I now correctly receive the DialDown/DialUp events

but I'm now getting unknown dialpress event log errors ?

so it seems all 3 events are being sent ?

2023-04-25 11:46:43.2807|FATAL|com.mhwlng.starcitizen|8|BarRaider.SdTools.Communication.StreamDeckConnection Unknown event received from Stream Deck: {"action":"com.mhwlng.starcitizen.dial","context":"c247c4fcb5a1737760ed8610d18ab59c","device":"8F9F54D3085E17917873D7BA481EA6B7","event":"dialPress",

Same here, I can now use:

override void DialDown(DialPayload payload)
override void DialUp(DialPayload payload)

But now getting Fatal BarRaider.SdTools.Communication.StreamDeckConnection Unknown event received from Stream Deck log line for dialPress, pressed true and false.

Sorry, seems DialPress is deprecated but still being sent 🤷🏼‍♂️
v6.1.1 removes it from being logged