
Class 2 assignment - React To-Do App

Opened this issue · 17 comments

Assignment title

In a, build an interactive, single-page To-Do list.
Your To-Do list app should feature the following:

  1. A dynamic list of To-Do's, including a title, content and date.
  2. Indication of completion status
  3. A button or checkbox to complete each To-Do.
  4. An input field to create new To-Do's.
  5. Any other fancy features you might like (filtering? multiple selection? coloring? emjoi support?)

Extra credit for:

  1. Breaking your To-Do app into multiple components.
  2. Breaking those multiple components into multiple .JSX files.

Make your glitch public and share the link on the Class 2 Assignment GitHub isse.

Due date

This issue will be locked for submissions 22:00 on Sunday before our next class.