
✨A JS script that generates a well-designed press kit page 📰for your creative project ✨

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license PRs Welcome


PressKit.js generates a fancy press kit for your project! If you want to put your project out there and to expose it to more people like yourself, creating good documentation -- photos, gifs, videos -- is the best way to communicate your ideas.

This is where PressKit.js comes handy 🙌! Collect all your media and textual information, and create a nice project press kit page to make it easier for the popular media to cover your work in a more appealing way!



See example page on -



It's extremely simple:

  1. In press.html, find the projectDetails object (see example below). using your favorite text editor.
  2. Replace the placeholders with text about your project and with URLs to media files.
  3. Add a link to press.html on your project home page.
var projectDetails = {

  'title': 'project name', // the title of the project

  'subTitle': 'project subtitle', // the subtitle of the project

  'link': 'http://www.url.com', // link to the project landig page

  'creators': [ // supports multiple creators. just add more objects to the array

      'name': 'name',
      'portfolio': 'http://www.url.com',
      'email': 'a@b.com',
      'twitter': 'http://www.twitter.com/name'

      'name': 'name',
      'portfolio': 'http://www.url.com',
      'email': 'a@b.com',
      'twitter': 'http://www.twitter.com/name'


  'about': [

    'paragraph 01',

    'paragraph 02',

  'videos': [ // supports multiple videos. just add more objects to the array

      'embedUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // e.g. https://www.youtube.com/embed/GjYENsrLLf4
      'videoPage': 'http://www.url.com', // e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjYENsrLLf4
      'embedUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // e.g. https://player.vimeo.com/video/250989990
		' videoPage': 'http://www.url.com', // e.g. https://vimeo.com/250989990

  'gifs': [ // supports multiple gifs. just add more objects to the array

      'gifUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // direct url to the gif file

      'gifUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // direct url to the gif file


  'photos': [ // supports multiple photos. just add more objects to the array

      'photoUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // direct url to the image file

      'photoUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // direct url to the image file

      'photoUrl': 'http://www.url.com', // direct url to the image file

  'footer': [{
       'footerText': "PressKit.js",
       'footerLink': "https://github.com/dodiku/PressKit.js"
