
Technical challenge for flutter position at OSOSS Developed by: Mohamad Ali Barakat

Primary LanguageDart


OSOSS Test project.

Getting Started

Since the application is simple, I decided to use state management GetX because it is faster to write the code than the rest of the controllers, and I used the controller because it provides greater control over the application. dartz to fetch the PokemonsData and the shared preferences library to store anything I want in it and the code is divided into 5 sections 1- bindings: to be used with the GetxController 2- Controller: All GetX controllers are included in the application 3- core: contains all the codes that are used in more than one place in the application, such as images, colors, etc. 4- data: it includes models and getData requests, and here there is only one request, which is getPokemonsData 5- view: It contains all the screens and widgets used within the screens Note: When fetching pokemons data, I noticed that there is a pagination, where the request only brings 20 elements inside the figma file, which does not exist, but I did it, as when I go down to the last page, it does the pagination and brings 20 other elements, and so on until the completion of the elements stops.