
Graphical Overlay for UNIX program 'du'

Primary LanguageC


Graphical Overlay for UNIX program du


Console built-in program du is a UNIX utility to summarize disk usage of the set of files, recursively for directories.

This project is a graphical overlay for du program as a student project to master desktop application development with GLADE UI Designer and GTK framework.



Application is developed and aims to Debian-based OS, but it can also be run on other UNIX-type operating system.

Software Version
GCC 11.3.0
GTK 3.0

Install dependecies

Install required GLADE, GTK, GCC packages:

sudo apt install -y glade gcc

Get the repository

Download the Github repository:

git clone https://github.com/Baro-coder/du-gui.git


Change directory:

cd ./du-gui/app/

Build program:


Then rerun make command to complete building process.


Run app with the following command:


User guide

  1. Choose directory to examine (on default: program current dir).

  2. Optional: Choose pattern of files to be excluded from output results.

  3. Optional: Check options that are fitted to you.

  4. Optional: Select block size (on default: human readable format).

  5. Click button Execute.

UI Controls Structure

Menu bar


  1. Guide - application user manual
  2. About - application info and credits

Choose dir button

Button calls dialog window used to determine which directory will be examined by the program. On default application current directory.

Combo box

Patterns for --exclude argument passed.


Label Pattern Description
None - No file will be excluded
C Source Files: *.c Files with extension .c
C++ Source Files: *.cpp Files with extension .cpp
Python files: *.py Files with extension .py
Shell scripts: *.sh Files with extension .sh


  1. -a - Include files : include files, not only directories
  2. -c - Show total size : produce grand total at the last line
  3. -L - Follow links : follow links - dereference all symbolic links
  4. -l - Count hard links : count size m count size many times if hard linkedany times if hard linked
  5. -S - Separate directories : for directories - do not include size of subdirectories
  6. -x - Skip other file systems : skip directories on different file systems


Block size arguments:

  1. -h - Default : Show in human readable scale
  2. -b - B : Scale size to specified block size : B - bytes
  3. -BK - KiB : Scale size to specified block size : K - kilobyes
  4. -BM - MiB : Scale size to specified block size : M - megabytes
  5. -BG - GiB : Scale size to specified block size : G - gigabytes


  1. Clear - clear the output area
  2. Execute - execute build command and print results into output area

Scrollable window

Output text area able to be scrolled vertically and horizontally for maintain commands history and to handle much bigger outputs.

Potential future development

  1. More program arguments implemented like: -s (summarize) or -d (max recursive depth).
  2. Entry to provide custom exclude patterns.
  3. Storing results to output file.