
Hydration node mismatch Nuxt 3

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello dear,
I use it in Nuxt 3 project, but i get this: [Vue warn]: Hydration node mismatch
How should I solve it?

"devDependencies": {
      "nuxt": "3.5.3",
"dependencies": {
      "nuxt-lazy-hydrate": "^1.0.0",


modules: [

and I use it like this:

 <NuxtLazyHydrate :when-visible="true">
    <MyComponentWithFetchData />


could you please create a Stackblitz reproduction with this error? I have not experienced it yet

Hi, of course I will send
but now, it works for me in production mode without warn, but in dev mode I have that warns