
Instructions for Installing, Preparing, and Deploying

inayet opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hi, can you include in the file instructions on installing, preparing, and deploying this app. Thank you

Dude, it's literally a simple next.js project.

To run it locally, all you do is

  1. yarn
  2. yarn dev

To deploy it, you follow Vercel's simple instructions -
Just a few button clicks basically.

@BartoszJarocki Thank you for adding those instructions to the file. I got the local server up, how can we customize the cv with our information?

@BartoszJarocki Thank you for adding those instructions to the file. I got the local server up, how can we customize the cv with our information?

It is a straight forward thing to do. Just change the RESUME_DATA in the \src\data\resume-data.tsx file with your own data. Make sure to follow the Terms and Conditions or the Copyrights Terms which are applicable.

The readme has been updated, this issue can be closed.