
Create support for multilanguage

emnesty opened this issue · 4 comments

I know that English is the best known standard internationally, but it would be nice to have the flexibility to use your local language, in my case, Portuguese (Brazil)

Do you want whoever visits your site to be able to switch between multiple languages?
in your case English and Portuguese?

Yes i was thinking of using this component:

And each tab can be a language

By default we should be able to choose a default language, such as English, but the user would have the option to choose others. I'm not a big fan of the model where the system adapts to the language the user is using in the system, because we can have people in Brazil who prefer to read the CV in English for example, so it would be interesting if the user was free to choose.

Inspired by this amazing project, I have created a version with translation features. I hope the code will be helpful as a reference!

Code / Demo