
Doesn't work

kay999 opened this issue · 9 comments

Tried it on my projects, doesn't seem to find any files, regardles what scope/file/etc I choose in the inital dialog. Always shows everything as 0.

May have to do with the project structure, so I created a new "express"-project (NodeJS) from scratch, tried LOC metric on whole project or single file: Still only shows zeros. But it also doesn't work with my java-projects.

Plugin is 1.3.1, Idea is EAP 144.3891.8

Do you use the latest version of the plugin (1.3.1)?

Yes, Plugin is 1.3.1, Idea is EAP 144.3891.8.

There are several LOC metrics, which one(s) from which category did you try exactly? (categories: Project metrics, Module metrics, Package metrics, Interface metrics, Class metrics, Method metrics)

Doesn't matter what I try, the plugin seems not to find any files. It only shows "project" and everything is 0. Even for number of file metrics for example.

Strange. Could you maybe attach a test project so I can reproduce?

This is more or less an auto-created project:

And here the output:

The plugin handled your project setup incorrectly. It always expected a directory marked as source. This is now fixed. I will release the new version next Sunday.

Thank you.