
Support for Kotlin files

Opened this issue · 9 comments

It would be nice if the plugin also supported kotlin files at least for line counting

MetricsReloaded supports Kotlin since version 1.2. For this to work the Kotlin plugin has to be installed (naturally:-). Does it not work for you?

unfortunately it does not. I have plugin version 1.7 installed and it seems like it only counts the loc from the very few java files in my project. I have a gradle based android project. My kotlin files are under src/main/java. Can this be a problem?

Maybe MetricsReloaded doesn't understand something about your project setup. Is your project open source by any chance? Or can you share your project files (specifically the *.iml files)?

unfortunately it is not open source but I think iml files should not hurt

generally it is a standard gradle (android) project

And which metrics are you trying to use? The built-in "Lines of code metrics" profile perhaps?

"Whole Project", "Include test sources", "Lines of code metrics",

I just checked everything again - maybe I am just stupid. Until now I only checked the package metrics where I end up with about 300 LOC with only a fraction of my packages displayed. The other metrics however seem to be fine. I did not check this before since I was discouraged by the results from the package metrics page

Ah yes, the package metrics were indeed not working for languages other than Java. This is now fixed and I will release an updated version of MetricsReloaded soon. Thanks for your help and let me know if you have any other problems.

sorry for not checking the whole story before complaining. Thanks for the help!