
warnings with td 2.0.1

Closed this issue · 1 comments

everywhere i use .to.have.been.calledWith now results in this warning:

    Warning: testdouble.js - td.verify - test double `fetch` was both stubbed and verified with arguments ("", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {Accept: "application/xml", "Content-Type": "application/json"},
      timeout: 5000,
      body: "{\"c\":3,\"d\":4}"
    }), which is redundant and probably unnecessary. (see: )

Hi @modosc, I suspect that your tests are probably doing calledWith expectations against testdouble objects that have been stubbed. testdouble-chai is just a thin wrapper around td.js's built-in verify function, which is where this warning is coming from.

Here's a quick example:

describe("verifying stubbed objects", function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    this.double = td.function();
    var foo = this.double('hi');

  it("verifies a stubbed testdouble object (td.js-style)", function() {

  it("verifies a stubbed testdouble object (chai-style)", function() {

One of these specs uses td-chai's calledWith expectation while the other uses testdouble's own verify, but they both result in this warning:

Warning: testdouble.js - td.verify - test double was both stubbed and verified with arguments ("hi"), which is redundant and probably unnecessary. (see: )

The testdouble docs have a great page on why they discourage this.

If you prefer to suppress these warnings, you can put td.config({ ignoreWarnings: true }) somewhere in your test suite setup (as per these testdouble config options), but note that this will silence all warnings, not just the ones about verifying stubs.